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Configurable defaults#

Current working directory#

You can change the default working directory for all commands by setting the cwd option.

Sensible values are . (the current directory) or @PROJECT_DIR (the directory containing pyproject.toml).

cwd = "."

Aliases can override the global cwd.

Environment variables#

You can set environment variables that will be added to the system environment when running a command:

env = { POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_PATH = "/data/poetry" }

Aliases can provide additional environment variables and/or override the global ones.


You can change the os shell used to run commands. The shell can be defined globally, os specific or alias specific.

shell = "bash
shell = "pwsh.exe"

Specifying a shell changes variable substitution

Commands are converted into a single string and passed to the shell with the -c option, example: bash -c "echo $PATH". This changes the variable substitution that is done by your os and can lead to unexpected results.

When you set a shell for os specific file operations, consider using px-utils instead.

prepare = "pxmkdirs build generated"
copy = "pxcp src/**/*.py build/python"
move = "pxmv data/**/*.json build/data"
clean = "pxrm build generated"