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Manage tools as dev dependencies#

Pyprojectx can manage all the Python tools and utilities that you use for building, testing...

Adding tools to the [tool.pyprojectx] section in pyproject.toml makes them available inside your project.

Tool contexts introduced in Pyprojectx 2.0.0

Prior to Pyprojectx 2.0.0, tools were always installed in a separate virtual environment. As of 2.0.0, tools are by default installed in the virtual environment of the main tool context.

px or pw?

This section assumes that you installed the px utility script. Otherwise, you need to replace px with ./pw (Linux, Mac) or pw (Windows PowerShell).

Tool contexts#

Pyprojectx creates an isolated virtual environment for each tool context (set of tools).

Inside the [tool.pyprojectx] section of pyproject.toml you specify what needs to be installed.

# require a specific poetry version, use the latest version of black
main = ["poetry==1.1.11", "black"]

Above configuration makes the black and poetry commands available inside your project.

You only need to prefix them with thepx or pw wrapper script:

px poetry --help
px black my_package --diff
./pw poetry --help
./pw black my_package --diff
pw poetry --help
pw black my_package --diff

Naming your tool context

When running a command that has the same name as a tool context, the command will be executed by default inside the virtual environment of that tool context. Otherwise, the command will be executed in the virtual environment of the main tool context.

Tool context activation#

If you don't want to prefix every command with px or ./pw, you can activate a tool context.

For example, to activate the main tool context run source .pyprojectx/main/activate. This makes all the tools in the main context available in your shell.

Alternatively, you can add .pyprojectx/main to your PATH.

Upgrading from Pyprojectx < 2.1.0

If the virtual environment of a tool cotext is already present, you will need to re-create it to use the new activation mechanism, either by removing the .pyprojectx directory or by running any command with the --force-install option, f.e. ./pw -f --install-context main.

Tool context configuration#

In its simplest form, a tool context is a multiline string or array of strings that adheres to pip's Requirements File Format


main = ["pdm","ruff","pre-commit","px-utils"]
http = "httpie ~= 3.0"

With above configuration, you can run following commands:

px pdm --version
# PDM, version 2.11.2
px http
# HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...

Tip: Specify exact versions for tools that are critical in your build flow

This makes sure that your build won't break when new versions of a tool are released. It also ensures that you can always rebuild older versions of your project that rely on older versions of tools (f.e. when building a patch release).

Post-install scripts#

In some situations it can be useful to perform additional actions after a tool has been installed. This is achieved by configuring both requirements and post-install scripts for a tool

requirements = ["pdm", "ruff", "pre-commit", "px-utils"]
post-install = "pre-commit install"

When creating your project's virtual environment with px pdm install for the first time in the example above, pre-commit is also initialised. This makes sure that pre-commit hooks are always run when committing code.

Tip: Use toml subsections for better readability

The example above uses a toml subsection instead of an inline table:

main = { requirements = [...], post-install="..."}`

Using an alternative package index#

You can use pip's --index-url or --extra-index-url to install packages from alternative (private) package indexes:

private-tool = [

Locking requirements#

To achieve reproducible builds, you can lock the versions of all tools that you use in your project by:

  • creating a pw.lock file
  • pinning tool versions in pyproject.toml

Creating a pw.lock file#

When you run ./pw --lock, a pw.lock file is created in the root directory of your project. This file should be committed to version control.

This is the recommended way to lock tool versions to guarantee reproducible builds (see why)

The lock file is automatically updated when the tool context requirements in pyproject.toml change.

To upgrade all tools to the latest version (respecting the requirements in pyproject.toml), combine the lock option with the force-install option: ./pw --lock -f.

Tip: don't specify tool versions in pyproject.toml when using a pw.lock file

When there is no version specified for a tool, the latest version will be installed and locked. Updating all tools to the latest version is then as simple as running ./pw --lock -f again. In case of conflicts or issues with a new version, you can always revert to the previous version of the lock file.

Supporting multiple python versions

Make sure to run ./pw --lock using the minimum supported python version for your project. This prevents the lock file from containing dependencies that are incompatible with older python versions.

Pinning tool versions in pyproject.toml#

You can also pin tool versions in pyproject.toml:

main = ["pdm==2.11.2", "ruff==0.1.11", "pre-commit==3.6.0", "px-utils==1.0.1"]
Be aware that even with a fixed version, tools can break at future installs!