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Create a new project#

Install common tools: - pdm or poetry: dependency management (see simple projects if not required). - ruff: linter/formatter - pre-commit: git hooks for formatting and linting - px-utils: cross-platform file operations

# initialize a PDM project
./pw --add pdm,ruff,pre-commit,px-utils
./pw pdm init
# initialize a poetry project
./pw --add poetry,ruff,pre-commit,px-utils
./pw poetry init
# initialize a PDM project
pw --add pdm,ruff,pre-commit,px-utils
pw pdm init
# initialize a poetry project
pw --add poetry,ruff,pre-commit,px-utils
pw poetry init

Simple projects#

If you don't need dependency management (f.e. when you don't have any dependencies), Pyprojectx can create your virtual environment and install test dependencies.

requirements = ["pre-commit", "black", "isort", "mypy", "px-utils"]
post-install = "pre-commit install && pw@ --install-context venv"

dir = "@PROJECT_DIR/.venv"
# install your project in editable mode; this assumes that your project is installable
requirements = ["pytest==8.0.0", "-e ."]

format = ["black src", "isort src"]
lint = "mypy --python-executable .venv/bin/python --no-incremental"
test = { cmd = "pytest", ctx = "venv" }

After running any alias (f.e. ./pw test), you can activate the virtual environment with source .venv/bin/activate.

Use the -f of --force-install flag to recreate the virtual environment after changing the requirements in [tool.pyprojectx.venv], f.e. run ./pw -f test.

Build scripts#

Script your development and build flow with aliases:

  • use pre-commit hooks
  • configure code formatting and linting
  • package and publish to pypi
  • ...

Use Poetry or PDM to further streamline your development flow with:

  • better dependency management and version locking compared with pip requirement files
  • virtual environment management (or skip a virtual environment all together when using PDM)
  • packaging and publishing

With this combination, you can most likely skip makefiles altogether.


requirements = [ "pdm", "ruff", "pre-commit", "px-utils", "mkdocs" ]
# the first time that a pdm command is invoked, we make sure that pre-commit hooks are installed, so we can't forget it
post-install = "pre-commit install"
# create the virtual environment and install all dependencies
install = "pdm install"
# run a command in the project's virtual environment
run = "pdm run"
# show outdated dependencies
outdated = "pdm update --outdated"
clean = "pxrm .venv .pytest_cache dist .pdm-build .ruff_cache"
full-clean = ["@clean", "pxrm .pyprojectx"]
# format code and sort imports
format = ["ruff format", "ruff check --select I --fix"]
lint = ["ruff check"]
test = "pdm run pytest"
# run check before pushing to git and your build will never break
check = ["@lint", "@test"]
# run the same build command on your laptop or CI/CD server
build = [ "@install", "@check", "pdm build" ]
# extract complexity from your CI/CD flows to test/run them locally
# use comprehensible python scripts (bin/prep-release) instead of complex shell scripts
release = ["prep-release", "pdm publish --username __token__"]
requirements = [ "poetry", "ruff", "pre-commit", "px-utils", "mkdocs" ]
# the first time that a poetry command is invoked, we make sure that pre-commit hooks are installed, so we can't forget it
post-install = "pre-commit install"
# create the virtual environment and install all dependencies
install = "poetry install"
# run a command in the project's virtual environment
run = "poetry run"
# show outdated dependencies
outdated = "poetry show --outdated --top-level"
clean = "pxrm .venv .pytest_cache dist .ruff_cache"
full-clean = ["@clean", "pxrm .pyprojectx"]
# format code and sort imports
format = ["ruff format", "ruff check --select I --fix"]
lint = ["ruff check"]
test = "poetry run pytest"
# run check before pushing to git and your build will never break
check = ["@lint", "@test"]
# run the same build command on your laptop or CI/CD server
build = [ "@install", "@check", "poetry build" ]
# extract complexity from your CI/CD flows to test/run them locally
# use comprehensible python scripts (bin/prep-release) instead of complex shell scripts
release = ["prep-release", "poetry publish --username __token__"]

See Pyprojectx own pyproject.toml for a full example with PDM, or px-demo for another example project with PDM or the poetry variant.

Tip: Keep the poetry virtual environment inside your project directory

Add poetry.toml to your project:

in-project = true
This makes Poetry create a .venv in your project directory instead of somewhere in your home directory. It makes it easier to locate files and to keep your system clean when removing the project.

Github actions#

By using the pw wrapper script, you can simplify your github actions:

  • no explicitly tool installations or docker images (for Python tools)
  • use the same commands and scripts in github actions as on your laptop

Some tips:

  • Use the same scripts on Linux and Windows by replacing ./pw (resp. pw) with python pw
  • Speed up builds by caching .pyprojectx


      - name: Cache .pyprojectx
        uses: actions/cache@v2
          cache-name: .pyprojectx
          path: .pyprojectx
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-pyprojectx

      - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }} on ${{ matrix.os }}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}

      - name: Test and build
        run: python pw build
See Pyprojectx own build and release workflows for a full example.

Experiment with your project in a Jupyter notebook#

You can launch a notebook that has access to your project packages without the need to install anything upfront.

# install the current project in editable mode, together with jupyter
jupyter = ["jupyterlab", "-e ."]

# -y is there to automatically answer 'yes' after quitting with ctrl+c
notebook = "jupyter lab -y"
Just run px notebook or even px n

Editable installs are not locked

When a tool context contains an editable install, it won't be locked when running ./pw --lock. Therefore, it is recommended to add editable install to a separate tool context and lock the main context fro reproducible builds.