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usage: [-h] [--version] [--toml TOML] [--install-dir INSTALL_DIR]
             [--force-install] [--install-context tool-context] [--verbose]
             [--quiet] [--info] [--add [context:]<package>,<package>...]
             [--lock] [--install-px] [--upgrade]

Execute commands or aliases defined in the [tool.pyprojectx] section of
pyproject.toml. Use the -i or --info option to see available tools and

positional arguments:
  command               The command/alias with optional arguments to execute.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --toml TOML, -t TOML  The toml config file. Defaults to 'pyproject.toml' in
                        the same directory as the pw script.
  --install-dir INSTALL_DIR
                        The directory where all tools (including pyprojectx)
                        are installed; defaults to the PYPROJECTX_INSTALL_DIR
                        environment value if set, else '.pyprojectx' in the
                        same directory as the invoked pw script
  --force-install, -f   Force clean installation of the virtual environment
                        used to run cmd, if any
  --install-context tool-context
                        Install a tool context without actually running any
  --verbose, -v         Give more output. This option is additive and can be
                        used up to 2 times.
  --quiet, -q           Suppress output
  --info, -i            Show the configuration details of a command instead of
                        running it. If no command is specified, a list with
                        all available tools and aliases is shown.
  --add [context:]<package>,<package>...
                        Add one or more packages to a tool context. If no
                        context is specified, the packages are added to the
                        main context. Packages can be specified as in 'pip
                        install', except that a ',' can't be used in the
                        version specification.
  --lock                Write all dependencies of all tool contexts to
                        'pw.lock' to guarantee reproducible outcomes.
  --install-px          Install the px and pxg scripts in your home directory.
  --upgrade             Print instructions to download the latest pyprojectx
                        wrapper scripts.

Install the global px script#

Pyprojectx provides a small px script that delegates everything to the pw wrapper script. The pw script is searched for in the current working directory and its parents.

When added to your PATH, you can replace ./pw with the shorter px. This also works from subdirectories: ../../pw can also be replaced with px

To install:

./pw --install-px
pw --install-px

Global tools#

Besides the px script, pw --install-px also copies adds the pxg.

pxg can be used as a lightweight pipx to install/run tools globally.

Example: make http requests with httpie:

pxg --add httpie
pxg http POST hello=world

The global setup can be configured in ~/.pyprojectx/global/pyproject.toml.

Uninstalling all global tools is just a matter of removing the global directory:

rm -rf ~/.pyprojectx/global/.pyprojectx